iLOC ­– An Indoor Ontology (version 2015. 12. 01.)

Barnabas Szasz, Rita Fleiner, Andras Micsik

Outdoor navigation is widely available nowadays, and helps people to find a place while driving or walking or using public transport. This type of navigation is usually based on coordinates provided by GPS. Inside buildings, however, a navigation system has to cope with more complex routes using floors, elevators and staircases in the lack of GPS signals. The current solutions usually require special and expensive hardware for positioning. Thus, opposed to the outdoor scenario, there is no single, accepted basic methodology for navigation. The authors work on an inexpensive and simple indoor navigation solution, that can be adopted by large buildings even with low budget (such as universities). For this, we would like to exploit the possibilities of Linked Data and SPARQL for building flexible APIs providing location and routing information. The main use case is supporting students at a university in finding their next lecture (although this use case is quite similar to doing shopping in a mall or checking in at an airport).

The following is a diagram of the iLOC (version 2015. 12. 01.) classes and properties:

Download ontology in Turtle format.